Home News Why is Pregabalin found in a third of all drug-related deaths? |...

Why is Pregabalin found in a third of all drug-related deaths? | UK News


An anxiety drug is killing the people it’s prescribed for. So what’s going on? (Picture: Getty Images)

Its generic pharmaceutical name is Pregabalin. Although you may know it by one of its brand names: there’s Alzain, Axalid and Lyrica. 

It’s a drug that’s prescribed for three very different reasons. As an anticonvulsant used to treat people with epilepsy. It’s also used to alleviate pain. Mostly, however, it’s used to help with anxiety and depression. That’s quite an impressive CV for a single medication. But there’s a problem. In fact, there’s more than one.

Firstly, it’s highly addictive.

When it was originally introduced to the UK market back in 2004, the Pfizer product was heralded as something of a miracle drug; an ideal substitute for the nasty addictive opioids that would go on to cause such horrific problems in the US. These claims, it appears, were somewhat wide of the mark.

Pfizer’s Pregabalin was approved for use two decades ago but the full extent of its hazards are only just coming to light (Picture: Getty Images)

Pregabalin was prescribed to more than 8.5 million people in England in 2022 alone, with many people reporting that the medication made their symptoms – and lives – noticeably better. However, some medical professionals think that the drug’s hazards aren’t being adequately taken into account and this is causing widespread dependence on the drug.

Partly due to their efficacy, Pregabalin and other antidepressant prescriptions are increasing, with around a quarter of all patients that receive a prescription getting meds that might well lead to some sort of dependency.

Prescription rates for Pregabalin and similar drugs are greater in poorer communities, where anxiety and chronic pain are more commonly reported.

According to medical professionals, people with high levels of anxiety and depression are frequently administered Pregabalin due to difficulties linking therapeutic solutions with those people that need it.

Basically, if you live in a deprived area, therapy’s difficult to arrange. Pills are not.

The over-prescription of addictive anti-depressants is a huge problem (Picture: Getty Images)

Another, even bigger problem, is death. Rising reports of fatalities are starting to seriously worry the British medical community.

A recent Sunday Times investigation found that Pregabalin had the fastest-rising mortality rate of any drug currently prescribed in the UK. It’s now flagged up in a third of all drug-related fatalities. That is a significant and hugely concerning statistic.

Back in 2012, Pregabalin was noted on just nine death certificates in the UK. A decade later, that number had climbed to 779. A shocking 3,400 fatalities have been linked to Pregabalin in the past five years. 

Doctors are warning users that Pregabalin is much more addictive than previous warned (Picture: Getty Images)

Pregabalin was legally classified as a class C drug five years ago. That means it’s now unlawful to sell or possess the medication without a proper prescription. Of course, this hasn’t stopped a growing black market emerging for those hooked on the stuff. 

‘The New Valium’, as it’s been called by some, has even found its way onto the radar of recreational drug users due to its sedative properties. But when mixed with other drugs, Pregabalin can lead to overdoses.

The NHS offers the following advice for stopping taking pregabalin or any other similar medication: in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms, you should gradually lower your dosage. 

If you’re worried about your use or dependence on pregabalin – or any other prescription or non-prescription drugs or medication – talk to your local GP. Or, if you prefer, call the Frank drugs helpline on 0300 123 6600 or visit talktofrank.com.

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